Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Statistics tell us that more than one million Americans develop skin cancer each year. Excessive sun exposure without appropriate protection is the most common cause of skin cancer. You can reduce your risk of skin cancer by limiting time spent in the sun, avoiding tanning booths, and by applying sunscreen on both the face and any other part of your skin exposed to the sun.
Importance of Skin Cancer Screening at Del Mar Dermatology
Early detection is key for treating skin cancer. We encourage all patients to come in for a skin cancer screening at least once a year. This is a simple office visit that gives Dr. Marriott a chance to examine all moles and potentially problematic areas of the skin.
Schedule A Consultation TodayOur ‘Save Your Skin’ Program
We offer a unique ‘Save Your Skin’ program that includes regular skin cancer screenings for the early diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer combined with skin cancer education. We are your best resource for choosing the appropriate type of daily sun protection. Many people don’t realize how important it is to use sunscreen regularly. We can recommend products that will complement your skin and lifestyle.
We also serve our patients with several treatments for sun damaged and aging skin. If you have sun damaged skin or have lost skin elasticity because of excessive sun exposure, talk to us about laser skin rejuvenation procedures, botox injections, microneedling, chemical peels, and fillers that can improve the texture and tone of your skin. These procedures can be combined or used separately for the best skin rejuvenating result.
We work with you to prioritize your concerns, treat your skin problems, and provide you with a personal daily care program to optimize your results.
Take care of your skin health by coming in for your annual skin cancer screening. Schedule your skin cancer screening at Del Mar Dermatology today!