Chemical peels can be very effective for improving the texture and tone of the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels can also improve the appearance of acne scars and reduce acne outbreaks. If you have troubled skin or want to maintain a radiant glow this season, talk to one of our staff members about the benefits of chemical peels.
How Chemical Peels Work
Different strengths of chemical peels penetrate the skin at different depths to trigger collagen production and speed up the skin renewal process. If you have superficial skin issues, such as mild sun damage and fine lines, you may be a good candidate for a light to medium chemical peel. If you have more serious skin issues, such as hyperpigmentation, deeper lines or acne scars, we may recommend a stronger peel.
Once applied to the skin, the chemical peeling agents start exfoliating the skin. You may experience some light shedding or peeling of the skin. Once all the dead skin cells are shed from the surface of the skin, new cells are pushed to the top layer, creating a smooth and renewed appearance.
Getting Chemical Peels at Del Mar Dermatology
Chemical peel treatments require a single visit and some have minimal downtime. After the chemical peel is applied, you may notice some tightness for a few days and light flaking of the skin, depending on the peel. Stronger peels may trigger significant exfoliation of the skin along with a few days of skin peeling. You will need to moisturize your skin regularly, stay out of the sun, and use sunscreen daily to protect your skin. Once the peeling phase is over, you will notice smoother skin, improved texture and overall better appearance.
We can enhance the results of a chemical peel with laser-assisted skin rejuvenation, Botox, and dermal fillers. We may also recommend some medical grade skincare products that will help you maintain results and further improve your skin tone and texture.
Learn more about the benefits of chemical peels by scheduling your skin consultation at Del Mar Dermatology today.